Thursday, 26 May 2011

Graphic 45 - A little bit of wonderland...craft is the best medicine!

Craft really is the best medicine! I have had a virus for the last week and have felt really ordinary (so ordinary I even stayed home from work to rest - but I went back to work today to cure my boredom). I felt so plain that I didn't event create for the first couple of days but yesterday and today I created and I am feeling better! So craft is the cure - either that or the antibiotics - or the jelly beans from the chemist (they have medicinal properties because they are from the pharmacist you know). Anyway, I'm thanking craft for my recovery! Well actually I'm thanking Graphic 45 and their amazing range of paper - Halloween in Wonderland!

Graphic 45 have amazing papers - they have beautiful illustrations, tags and vintage themes. My friend Gab inspired me to use this droolworthy paper collection at a recent craft retreat - it's stunning.

The Alice in Wonderland theme was really inspiring and I thought that it went perfectly with my new Flourish with a Bling embellishments. I'd never used them before but I am now addicted! They are beautiful laser cut embellishments that add a spookyish element to the cards. I'm also using inking as a technique to add a vintage touch to my cards and handmade embellishments.

Well I hope that you are curiouser and curiouser about my cards! They ere so much fun to make!

Anyway, off to use a mountain of tissues and blog hop! Who knows what creativity awaits!

Hopefully I'll have more craftiness to update you with over the weekend! xx

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