Tuesday, 31 May 2011

New inspiration - a little bit of sass, online retailers and some art journalling on the side!

Hi all,

I know it's been a few days since blogging but I haven't really had anything new to show! I've also finally started feeling better - so it has been films,more films, coffee with lovely ones, cuddles with new babies, mexican breakfasts, wine time with friends and zine inspirations! Check out my sister's zine site here! And also my friend Vonny's Red Bubble site for more inspiration is here! I would love to be able use the inspiration I get from zines (and the zine style) into my paper craft - I'm also thinking about how I can get a bit more of me into my cards and OTP pieces. So I am going to spend a bit more time journalling and art journalling to get the creative juices flowing! So I am going to do the 30 Day Journal Challenge over on Janel's blog! Who else is in? Who knows I might even pop the odd journal entry on the blog!

I also thought I might post a bit of card eye candy - I recent card I made using Sassafras Lass paper - their paper provides so much vintage inspiration! I love the colours, the shapes, the stickers, the lot! Enjoy the card!

Anyway, I hope to back in a few days with some new cards (if I have time!) and maybe a journal page - who knows? Plus I am also considering stepping into the world of online retailing. While people can email me through the blog to order custom orders and I hope to get into a couple of real world retailers - I also thought that I would go online. So Etsy, Made It, both, neither?? Thoughts, advice? Is anyone even out there to help answer this question? Where do you buy? Where do you sell?

L xx

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Graphic 45 - A little bit of wonderland...craft is the best medicine!

Craft really is the best medicine! I have had a virus for the last week and have felt really ordinary (so ordinary I even stayed home from work to rest - but I went back to work today to cure my boredom). I felt so plain that I didn't event create for the first couple of days but yesterday and today I created and I am feeling better! So craft is the cure - either that or the antibiotics - or the jelly beans from the chemist (they have medicinal properties because they are from the pharmacist you know). Anyway, I'm thanking craft for my recovery! Well actually I'm thanking Graphic 45 and their amazing range of paper - Halloween in Wonderland!

Graphic 45 have amazing papers - they have beautiful illustrations, tags and vintage themes. My friend Gab inspired me to use this droolworthy paper collection at a recent craft retreat - it's stunning.

The Alice in Wonderland theme was really inspiring and I thought that it went perfectly with my new Flourish with a Bling embellishments. I'd never used them before but I am now addicted! They are beautiful laser cut embellishments that add a spookyish element to the cards. I'm also using inking as a technique to add a vintage touch to my cards and handmade embellishments.

Well I hope that you are curiouser and curiouser about my cards! They ere so much fun to make!

Anyway, off to use a mountain of tissues and blog hop! Who knows what creativity awaits!

Hopefully I'll have more craftiness to update you with over the weekend! xx

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

My creative leap and it's craftastic at October Afternoon's '5 & dime'!

So I feel like a bit of a fraud - most cardmakers are stay at home mums, in the American suburbs, with a great life and wholesome smiles. I'm an inner-city woman, married but no kids, political interests, blah blah blah. But I guess craft knows no bounds! So I won't be filling this blog with pictures of my wholesome life (not that I am saying it isn't wholesome!) but rather what I craft.

If you are interested in buying or commissioning cards or invites just drop me a line through the blog. I'm also contemplating taking the step into selling on etsy or madeit - any thoughts - does it work? I'm knee deep in books about etsy selling and crafting your own business - but they are all pretty overwhelming! It's a big leap putting your stuff out there. I have been at home sick for the last few days and I had the time to create the blog and facebook page - I even ordered business cards and stickers! Either I am actually going to do this or I am absolutely delirious with antibiotics. It's six to one, half a dozen the other at the moment!

Anyway, on to some creations. So there are probably a few paper companies that I am absoutely in love with - American Crafts, Graphic 45 but the key to my heart is October Afternoon. Their collections are gorgeous, in fact there is one collection in particular that I am so in love with - Modern Homemaker - that I am too afraid to use so I don't spoil it! But I will be taking the plunge! Soon! I promise!

One of their newest collections is '5 & Dime' - it's got a fab retro feel to it and it so easy to make cards with it! All of the embellishments are gorgeous and I have been making my own too. Anyway, hope that you like them.

October Afternoon - thanks for the yummy papers (that are almost too good to use!) and to the other people out there in the blogosphere who inspire me! xx

Monday, 23 May 2011

American Crafts: what's not to love!

I absolutely love American Crafts. The paper, the colours, the embellishments (the remarks, the delights, OMG!) - they just make it so easy to make bright coloured cards, that can hopefully brighten someones day!

Here are some cards that I made with the new American Crafts City Park papers. I even made my own rosettes for embellishments using off cuts of paper and my own suns, complete with bling!

I'm pleased I mastered the art of the rosette (how daggy am I!) but they look great on the cards!

Baby love - new babies galore!

I have been paper crafting for a few years - it started with scrapbooking but then I realised I loved the craft more than preserving the memories! So now I make cards and invitations to help other people preserve their speciail memories!

There has been an enslaught of new babies in my life lately - three babies per week - they are absolutely gorgeous and all deserving gorgeous cards. Here is a little giraffe card and gift set I made:

I'm starting to get into little gift tags - it adds another element to the gift and looks super cute.

Plus these cards also show the love of my life - washi tape!!! I have more rolls than I can count - some of them I love so much that I am afraid to use! I'm like that with paper collections too - sometimes they are just too nice! I need to snap out of it and get crafting!! xx

A new adventure

So, readers out there in the internet abyss, I have decided to start blogging. I am a compulsive blog reader - I am constantly inspired by their creativity. I thought that it was about time that I put my papercraft out there in the ether and see where my creativity leads me.

I am a compulsive card maker but at the moment all they do is sit wrapped in plastic in my scrap room and get given to people on special occasions. Well I've decided that I am going to put my cards out there and sell them and show them.

What I love is the making of cards, the peacefulness, the fun of ideas rushing through my head. I get inspired by everything that is around me, the paper, the supplies, my friends, the world.

So here goes internet - I'm putting my creativity out there - let's see where it leads me. xx